BTS ILD Registry
The BTS Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Registry holds national longitudinal data for two disease areas, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and sarcoidosis. As of February 2023 this was expanded to all fibrosing ILDs.
The aim of the Registry is to provide a means of reviewing nationwide data to increase understanding of the disease epidemiology and ultimately help to improve patient care.
Access the BTS ILD Registry here
If you are a clinician who is interested in participating please for details. Please see the Lung Disease Registry FAQs document and other sources of information below.
If you are a patient interested in learning more about the Registry please see the Information for Patients document below. If you would like to join the Registry please speak with your consultant. If you have been diagnosed with IPF or sarcoidosis and would like more information about the disease please visit the sites for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis, SarcoidosisUK and the British Lung Foundation – these charities provide information and support for patients.

- UK IPF and UK Sarcoidosis Registries Ten Year Report 2013-2023
- BTS Lung Registry FAQs 2023
- Quick Start Guide 2023
- BTS UK ILD Registry Full Dataset 2023
- BTS ILD Registry Protocol v2.2
- BTS UK ILD Registry Patient Consent v2.1
- BTS UK ILD Registry patient information v2.0
- Fair Processing Notice - ILD Registry
- REC renewal - favourable opinion October 2022
- REC renewal - application October 2022
- UK IPF Registry 2021: summary for the general public
- UK Sarcoidosis Registry 2021: summary for the general public
- List of participating sites - February 2021
- BTS ILD Registry Annual Report 2019
- BTS ILD Registry Annual Report 2020
- BTS ILD Registry Annual Report 2021
- ILD Registry Virtual event 15/09/21 - info pack
- ILD registry Patient Information Sheet in Welsh
- ILD registry Patient Consent form in Welsh