Better lung health for all
Education and Events

Summer Meeting 2025


This year's comprehensive, clinically focused programme promises an exciting line-up of renowned healthcare professionals and abstract submissions from across the multi-disciplinary team.

Book now for the opportunity to network, learn, discuss and collaborate with colleagues at this engaging and educational meeting.

For the full line-up of mini short courses and symposia, read the programme.

Book by Monday 12 May, 2pm for the Early Bird Discount.


Early bird rate

(per day)

Standard rate

(per day)


(Category A)

£120 £150

 Members concessionary 

(Categories B, C, D or E)

£50 £70
 Non-member £220 £260
 Non-members' concessionary* £80 £110

*The Non-BTS members' concessionary rate is available to non-BTS members who are a member of BALR, ARNS, ACPRC, ARTP, or BPRS nurse and AHP members, or are medical students or registered research students.

To make use of the Non-BTS members' concessionary rate, please contact with proof of your eligibility. This could be a membership receipt or student letter and it must include dates. You will then receive a discount code to apply in order to get the concessionary rate.

For the full line-up of mini short courses and symposia, read the programme.

The dedicated conference support team at MICE Concierge is available to help you make your arrangements. They can be contacted by email ( or by calling 01438 908 770.

Please visit the dedicated Summer Meeting accommodation portal for more information.


These rates are available to those booking for groups of mininum six people. Groups of five or less are charged at the individual rates.


Early bird rate

(per person, per day)

Standard rate

(per person, per day)

 Registered charity £80 £110
 All other organisations £180 £220

To make a group booking or to book on behalf of someone else, contact

To exhibit at BTS Meetings and Short Courses, companies must first be accepted as a BTS Approved Exhibitor. For further information, including 2025 Exhibitor Prospectuses, and floor plans, please see our exhibit at a BTS Meeting page.

2025 Booking Conditions

Delegates will be given access video recordings of the presentations for the days that they have booked.

The British Thoracic Society gratefully acknowledges sponsorship of all companies who purchase an exhibition stand at the Summer and Winter Meetings. None of them have any input into the programme content or the planning of the conference. Furthermore, the Society does not allow any sponsored symposia at this event, within the programme, or associated in any way with it. The full list of sponsors and company information may be found in the final programme.