Better lung health for all
Education and Events

Acute Non-Invasive Ventilation & Home Mechanical Ventilation 2025 - Practical Course

This practical programme provides hands-on, in-person training to complement and consolidate the learning during the online course being held on 8 & 9 May 2025. We recommend delegates attend the online course first before booking the practical sessions.

The day has been split into two half days to allow for smaller group work and will focus on the following themes:
- An overview of an NIV device
- Interface troubleshooting
- NIV settings - optimising and titration
- Troubleshooting and optimising patient care using case studies 
   and simulation based scenarios

Places are limited to 25 per session and delegates must choose which session (morning or afternoon) they would like to attend.

Course facilitators are all experts in the field and are involved in the delivery of this specialist care.

Online course

Please read the booking conditions


Date: 18 June 2025 Venue: Manchester CME status: Pending Booking status: Open (closes 13 June, 12 noon)

Member: £85

Non-Member: £140

Payment options

We accept payment by credit/debit card or invoice. If your employer is paying on your behalf, you can book online and choose the ‘Pay by invoice’ payment option.

To issue an invoice, which we only do to Finance Departments, not individuals, we will require a Purchase Order Form sent to us at least two weeks prior to the event. If this is not received, we will have to cancel your place.

Booking Conditions