Better lung health for all
Education and Events

Acute Non-Invasive Ventilation & Home Mechanical Ventilation 2025 - Online

The course aims to provide a comprehensive update on both acute NIV and the provisional of home ventilation.  It will include cutting edge reviews of the use of NIV on the ward, in the ICU and at home.

Delegates will acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the delivery of NIV in the UK, both in the acute and community setting.  Practical aspects such as indications, treatment approaches, monitoring, troubleshooting, optimising patient comfort and tolerability, ethical aspects, organisational and performance review will also be included.

The course will appeal to a wide audience: doctors in training, consultants with a responsibility for NIV provision and nursing/therapy staff involved in acute or chronic NIV provision.

Course speakers are all experts in the field and are involved in the delivery of this specialist care.

The course will be delivered entirely online to support as wide an attendance as possible and will be interactive and informal.  Some background knowledge will be required but this could be achieved with some pre-course reading for those with limited experience.

In addition, we will be providing a hands-on, face to face programme to support both sessions of the online course.  This will take place in Manchester the day before the Summer Meeting in June.  All of these sessions have been designed to support and build on one another in a complementary fashion, with the practical session aiming to consolidate the learning during the online event.  For further information follow this link.

Practical Course

Please read the bookings conditions


Date: 08-09 May 2025 Venue: Online Booking status: Open (closes 7 May, 12 noon)

Members: £300

Non-members: £550

Payment options

We accept payment by credit/debit card or invoice. If your employer is paying on your behalf, you can book online and choose the ‘Pay by invoice’ payment option.

To issue an invoice, which we only do to Finance Departments, not individuals, we will require a Purchase Order Form sent to us at least two weeks prior to the event. If this is not received, we will have to cancel your place.

Booking Conditions