Better lung health for all
Research and Innovation

How We Can Support Your Research Bids

High quality research is the driving force behind advancements in respiratory care, in order to keep pushing thoracic care forwards we are offering support to members who are healthcare researchers specialising in lung health. 

If you are in the process of a research application, we can provide you with a letter of support provided you meet the criteria. 

Applications should be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks before the grant submission deadline, and should include both the completed request for support form and a copy of the grant application.

Successful applications will receive a letter of support addressed to the research funder that can be included in the submitted funding application.  


We will consider supporting research bids that meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • Applications must be for competitive research funding from recognised organisations or charitable bodies. 

  • Research should align with national or global priorities. 

  • The research should address areas of unmet clinical need. 

  • Applications that enhance UK-wide research capability. 

In addition, research applications must meet one or both of the following: 

  • Meaningful public and patient involvement and engagement 


The full criteria can be found at the bottom of the page in the application form. 

Applications should be sent to with the subject line: BTS support for research bids.