Better lung health for all
About us

BTS Committees and Advisory Groups

The BTS Board is responsible for BTS strategy, developing policy with advice from Council,  and overseeing and monitoring the planning and delivery of all the Society's activities. Members of the BTS Board (the Society's Trustees) include the five Honorary Officers and Chairs of our main ("Standing") Committees, plus a lay Trustee. 

Our main Committees develop activities in line with BTS strategy and their Chairs help to develop and review the strategy as part of their role as Trustees of the Society

Our network of Advisory Groups act as our "eyes and ears" and assist by responding to national consultations, suggesting topics for conferences and short courses, and where required, by developing specific activities for the Society. The Chairs of our Specialty Trainees and Nurse Advisory Groups also serve on BTS Council, ex-officio.

How to join a BTS committee, a specialist advisory group (SAGs) or other BTS working group

Each year through eBTS news, usually sent in June or July, members are invited to apply for vacancies on the core Committees and SAGs. Details on how to apply and submission deadline dates are given in the newsletter email.  All positions are open to BTS members, and some groups will call for specific eligibility criteria.  Calls for members of other working groups (for Guidelines, Clinical Statements and other projects) will be made during the course of the year, and will always be advertised in e-BTS news and on the BTS website.

View the Committee Structure

View the Model SAG Constitution here

View the Committee and Specialist Advisory Group FAQs


Advisory Groups

Other Groups