Working less than full time
All respiratory trainees can apply to be LTFT and the only requirement is a well-founded individual reason. The 9th Edition of the Gold Guide (pg41) gives more guidance on this and can be found here: Gold Guide - 9th Edition - Conference Of Postgraduate Medical Deans (
These are some examples, but the list is not exhaustive:
- Disability or ill health
- Caring responsibilities
- Welfare and wellbeing
- Unique opportunities or development both inside and outside of medicine
- Religious commitment
- Flexibility for training to develop broader career interests.
View a presentation by Dr Abigail MacKintosh about her experience of LTFT training.
Applying to go LTFT
You will first need to discuss your plans with your Training Programme Director and Educational Supervisor. You will also need to decide what percentage of full time equivalent you would like to work. 60-80% tends to be the most common, others are possible but may need specific discussion and approval from Dr. Helen Goodyear the Associate Dean for LTFT Training.
There are some important dates to note:
- 3 months’ notice is required for new LTFT applications. Note that some categories will require evidence.
- 12 weeks’ notice is required if you wish to increase or decrease the number of sessions you do.
Applications or to increase or decrease the number of sessions are then done through the Health Education England (HEE) website: Less Than Full Time Training (Flexible Training) (
Selecting LTFT Training Downloads from the menu on the right hand side will take you to further guidance documents and allow you to access the application forms.
The form still asks for you to select what category of LTFT you wish to apply under, this is not relevant any more, but select the one that fits most closely and be aware there is no longer an ‘application window’ for Category 3 requests, these can be submitted whenever.
You should select respiratory medicine if you are dual accrediting in Respiratory and GIM. Both specialties will be informed.
The form then needs to be electronically signed by your TPD, ES and Dr. Helen Goodyear the Associate Dean for LTFT Training ( before submitting via the email at the bottom of the application form.
Practicalities of being LTFT
Being LTFT you may be partnered with another LTFT trainee as part of a job share, or placed in a full time slot. You will need to liaise with your department and job share (if applicable) regarding which days you work and how on call shifts are split. Ideally do this as far in advance as possible as it will help with job planning and with your commitments outside of work.
Annual leave and study leave are allocated pro-rata, however, study leave requirements can be flexible from one year to another if specific courses need to be attended as you can’t attend half a course!
It may be possible to reduce some of your subscriptions such as MDU/MPS/GMC/BMA according to the hours you are working/income.
LTFT trainees must meet the required competencies to progress, but this is done over more time. Workplace based assessments are required pro rata to full time colleagues. Use the CCT date calculator (Calculating completion dates | JRCPTB) to confirm your CCT date for ARCPs and keep on top of your own progress. It is not uncommon to be prematurely called for PYAs or assessed at ARCP at the wrong point of your curriculum requirements, so you really do need to keep track of this yourself.
You can still do locum work if you are less than full time, ensure they are declared on your Form R. It is expected these will be within the department you are already working and will have Educational Supervision. 1-2 locum shifts per month are accepted. If it is more than this it is expected this will have been discussed with and agreed by Dr. Helen Goodyear and considerations to increase the working % taken. Locum shifts should also not be worked for shifts left empty by the trainee being LTFT. Dr. Goodyear is happy to discuss any issues or queries around locum working.