Better lung health for all
Quality Improvement

BTS Guideline for Long Term Macrolide Use

The BTS Guideline for Long Term Macrolide use in respiratory disease has been published.

An accompanying Thorax article is also available here

April 2020


Title Publication Date Description Status
00 BTS Guideline for Long Term Macrolide Use 20200401April 2020 Valid
01 British Thoracic Society guideline for the use of long-term macrolides in adults with respiratory disease 20200401April 2020 Summary of recommendations and good practice points (BMJ Open Respiratory Research) Valid
02 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: online appendix 1 20200401April 2020 Search strategy Valid
03 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: online appendix 2a 20200401April 2020 Asthma evidence tables Valid
04 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: online appendix 2b 20200401April 2020 Bronchiectasis evidence tables Valid
05 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: online appendix 2c 20200401April 2020 COPD evidence tables Valid
06 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: online appendix 3 20200401April 2020 Summary of research recommendations Valid
07 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: online appendix 4 20200401April 2020 Template patient information Valid
08 BTS Guideline for long term macrolide use: supplementary file 1 20200401April 2020 Quick reference guide: azithromycin Valid