Better lung health for all
Quality Improvement

Guideline Archive

BTS Guidelines published more than five years ago are marked as archived. The Guideline content/recommendations have not been checked to confirm continued validity at the date of archival and readers should bear in mind that new evidence may have been published since the Guideline was produced


A-Z Disease / Condition Title Publication Date Description
Physiotherapy 00 BTS/ACPRC Guidelines for physiotherapy management of the adult, medical, spontaneously breathing patient 20090501May 2009
Bronchoscopy 01 BTS Guideline for Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Flexible Bronchoscopy in Adults 20111101November 2011
Bronchoscopy 02 BTS Guideline for Diagnostic Flexible Bronchoscopy in Adults 20130801August 2013
ILD 03 BTS Guideline for Interstitial Lung Disease 20080801August 2008
Bronchiectasis 04 BTS Guideline for non-CF Bronchiectasis 20100701July 2010
Pulmonary Rehabilitation 05 BTS Guideline for Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Adults 20130901September 2013

Published September 2013. 

Neuromusclar Weakness 06 BTS Guideline for Respiratory Management of Children with Neuromuscular Weakness 20120701July 2012
Community Acquired Pneumonia Children 07 BTS Guideline for the Management of Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children: Update 20111001October 2011
Pleural Infection 08 BTS Guideline for the Management of Pleural Infection in Children 20050201February 2005
TB Renal 09 BTS Guideline for the Prevention and Management of Mycobacterium TB in Adult Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease 20100601June 2010
Diving 10 BTS Guideline on Respiratory Aspects of Fitness Diving 20030601June 2003
Home Oxygen Children 11 BTS Guidelines for Home Oxygen in Children 20090801August 2009
Home oxygen adults 12 BTS Guidelines for Home Oxygen Use in Adults 20150601June 2015

Published June 2015. 

Lung Cancer 13 BTS Guidelines on the Radical Management of Patients with Lung Cancer 20101001October 2010
Influenza 14 BTS Pandemic Flu Guideline 20070101January 2007

Pandemic flu: clinical management of patients with an influenza like illness during an influenza pandemic. Provisional guidelines from the British Infection Society, British Thoracic Society and Health Protection Agency in collaboration with the Department of Health

Pleural Disease 2010 15 Pleural Disease Guideline 2010 20100801August 2010

Pleural Disease Guideline 2010