Better lung health for all
Quality Improvement

Guidance for the resumption and continuation of urgent and elective outpatient respiratory services

BTS guidance on the resumption and continuation of urgent and elective outpatient services in light of the continued situation with COVID-19: General principles (5 May 2021).

Restarting Spirometry - guidance from ARTP and PCRS is available here.

BTS/ARTP on Respiratory Function Testing and Sleep Services During Endemic COVID-19 is available here.

Last updated 5 May 2021   

Restoration of spirometry is a key step in managing respiratory disease, ensuring the correct diagnosis and therapeutic/referral interventions. 

This document comprises information from the Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology (ARTP) and the the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) to aid restoration of spirometry services by mitigating risk to both staff and patients. These were developed from a Task and Finish group established by the NHS England and NHS Improvement Clinical Policy Unit.

April 2021

BTS has produced information which highlights points to consider when planning air travel by passengers with respiratory disease during the endemic phase of COVID-19 - available here.

16 July 2020

BTS advice for managing patients with Bronchiectasis in the endemic phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, available here.

Last updated 1/7/20

BTS has produced information on the UK cardiothoracic transplantation service status and guidance for managing a cardiothoracic transplant patient with COVID-19, available here.

Last updated 1/7/20

BTS/ARTP guidance for the restoration of lung function testing for the management of ILD is available here. This has been produced by BTS, ARTP and the Respiratory Clinical Reference Group with the support of Action Pulmonary Fibrosis and other lung charities.

Last updated 22 June 2020

ARTP guidance on respiratory testing and sleep services during endemic COVID-19 is available here.

Last updated 21 May 2020


Updated recommendations for day case bronchoscopy services during the restoration and recovery COVID-19 endemic phase  - now available.

Last updated 13/5/2020

BTS guidance on the community management of patients receiving Long-Term Ventilation (LTV) during the endemic phase of COVID-19 is available here.

Updated 25 June 2020

Updated lung cancer and mesothelioma service guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic: the restoration and recovery COVID-19 endemic phase - available here.

Differentiation of the Cs in lung cancer:  Cancer vs. COVID
Guidance from the Lung Cancer CEG on the distinction between lung cancer and COVID-19

Last update 15/7/20

BTS guidance on provision of pleural services during the COVID-19 pandemic is available here.

Updated 21 May 2020