Better lung health for all
Quality Improvement

BTS COVID-19 Organisational Survey Report

BTS provided a range of rapidly produced, pragmatic guidance on aspects of respiratory care during the first peak of the pandemic, from March to June 2020. In the period from May through to September 2020, BTS focused on supporting the resumption of respiratory services while being aware that COVID-19 remained endemic across the country with the subsequent significant throughout Autumn and Winter.

BTS first surveyed hospitals in the UK in summer 2020 to gather information on changes made to respiratory services over the 4 months from March – June 2020 in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically in relation to arrangements for follow up of COVID-19 patients. The report of the findings of this primary survey are published here. BTS surveyed hospitals in the UK again in summer 2021 to expand on these findings, specifically for the second wave of the pandemic. The findings of this second survey are published here


September 2022