Tobacco Dependency
The elimination of tobacco-related lung disease in the UK population has been a key BTS objective for over 30 years. We are delighted to see that offering smoking cessation advice and support in hospitals is a clearly defined objective in the NHSE Long Term Plan that was published on 7th January 2019. We hope that smoking cessation services in the community will also be supported after sustaining severe reductions in funding in recent years.
BTS is committed to working in partnership with others to move toward this goal, providing clinical expertise in national discussions, and local expertise to directly assist those who wish to stop smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of health inequalities and the greatest cause of reduced life expectancy in those with serious mental health problems. Two thirds of smokers want to quit.
BTS Tobacco Dependency Project
BTS has put together a set of resources to support clinicians to plan, implement and improve tobacco dependence treatment services in line with the ambitions of the Long Term Plan. Find out more on the Respiratory Futures website.
Everyone who works in the NHS should be a Smoking Cessation Champion. Below are some tools to help.