BTS Meritorious Service Awards 2022
This award is intended to recognise the service of those BTS members who have provided an exceptional service to the Society far above that which one would normally expect for their position/role, an exceptional service to the Society over a far longer period than would normally be the case or a service to the Society in particularly difficult or delicate or trying circumstances.
The Meritorious Service Award for 2022 has been awarded to the following individuals to recognise their exceptional leadership to respiratory journals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor Alan Smyth
BTS wishes to commend Professor Alan Smyth on his hard work and contributions as Editor in Chief of Thorax.
Professor Gisli Jenkins
BTS wishes to commend Professor Gisli Jenkins on his hard work and contributions as Editor in Chief of Thorax.
Professor Nicholas Hart
BTS wishes to commend Professor Nicholas Hart on his hard work and contributions as Editor in Chief of Thorax.
Dr Stephen Chapman
BTS wishes to commend Dr Stephen Chapman on his hard work and contributions as Editor in Chief of British Medical Journal of Open Respiratory Research.
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