Updated BTS statement: Philip Morris International's acquisition of Vectura
The British Thoracic Society remains disappointed and concerned at the outcome of the shareholder vote announcement and remains opposed to the takeover of Vectura by Philip Morris International (PMI).
Updated 15 November 2021
Vectura, a company that for over 20 years has worked to treat lung disease, is now part of the tobacco industry.
Our position remains unchanged – this is inappropriate, unethical and should have been prevented. The Society’s policy in relation to the tobacco industry remains clear:
- That in relation to the tobacco industry, BTS will work with colleagues in this country and overseas to combat misinformation about, and the active promotion of, tobacco products, as well as highlighting that tobacco industry funding for academic institutions or research is unacceptable (section 9).
- BTS membership is not open to those who have, or have had, paid involvement with tobacco industry at any point in the previous 10 years.
- The British Thoracic Society will not countenance the involvement of the tobacco industry in any of its activities. Any tobacco company, or company owned by the tobacco industry will not be approved for participation (for example as exhibitors) in any Society Conference or meeting.
- Furthermore, publication of papers funded (wholly or in part) by the tobacco industry in the Society’s journals, Thorax and BMJ Open Respiratory Research, is specifically prohibited.
BTS is also a signatory on a letter sent to the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care Jo Churchill MP expressing our ongoing concerns now that the acquisition is complete.
The Society notes that there may be instances of an organisation being linked to a tobacco company without intent through a prior third-party arrangement. Where this occurs, senior members of BTS Board and Head Office will assess each case on an individual basis in order to be assured that the said organisation’s link had not been made with intent and that all legal means to extricate itself from the relationship had been exhausted.
BTS is aware that healthcare professionals and patients will be concerned about the use of inhalers that now generate an income for the tobacco industry.
Our priority is, and will always be, the safety of patients with lung disease. Our advice is that prescribers and the patients in their care should discuss their views and alternative options openly, with the patient at the centre of every decision.
British Thoracic Society 17 Doughty StLondon, London WC1N 2PL