NHS Long Term Plan - a big step forward for the Nation's lung health
Dr Jonathan Bennett, Chair of the British Thoracic Society’s Board and consultant lung specialist said:
“We are delighted that lung disease is now a clinical priority area for the NHS in England. This is potentially a big step forward in helping improve the nation’s lung health.
The emphasis on diagnosing lung disease much earlier is very welcome. Training and accrediting more healthcare staff to deliver and interpret spirometry, a key breath test, is pivotal.
We believe that rolling out a programme of ‘lung MOTs’ for higher risk groups across the country, could save thousands of lives.
We look forward to working with the NHS on the detail of how the plan will be funded and delivered. It is also important that it is ‘joined up’ with wider activities to prevent lung disease through public health programmes - and policies to address critical shortages in the NHS lung specialist workforce.”
Please contact:
Ed Gyde t: 0780 9574801
Note to Editors:
The British Thoracic Society is the UK’s professional body of respiratory specialists. The Society seeks to improve standards of care for people who have respiratory diseases and to support and develop those who provide that care. A registered charity, it has about 3,500 members including doctors, nurses, respiratory physiotherapists, scientists and other professionals with a respiratory interest.
British Thoracic Society 17 Doughty StLondon, London WC1N 2PL