Better lung health for all

Join BTS now

If you share our passion for improving care for people with respiratory diseases and supporting those who provide it, we would love to have you join us. We offer a wide range of member benefits designed to support and inspire you.

We welcome applications for membership from anyone working in respiratory healthcare across all settings and professions.

Join BTS here.

Benefits of membership


Subscription rates and discounts

Members pay a 12 month subscription which is renewable annually on the 1 July.

Members who join between 1 August - 30 April will pay a pro rata sum of the rates given below. Members who join 1 May - 31 July will pay the cost below, which covers their membership until the end of June the following calendar year.

Membership of the Society is not open to persons who are or have been full, or part-time, employees of, or paid consultants to, the tobacco industry at any time during the previous 10 years.

We offer a discount for members who are on maternity/paternity or sick leave for three months or longer. Contact us at for more information.

BTS Members in Northern Ireland receive a 50% discount on the membership subscription for the Irish Thoracic Society (ITS). The discounted rate is applied to the joining and renewal subscription for ITS.

For further information, please read the terms and conditions of membership

Member Category Standard Rate
Credit/Debit card
Discounted Rate 
Direct Debit

Category A

(includes Thorax)

£270 £250
  • Consultant physicians, locum consultants, SAS doctors, specialty doctors
  • Integrated care doctors, GPs
  • Retired medical consultants doing paid sessional work, or those who have retired and returned to clinical practice
  • Industry professionals, managers
  • If you live outside of the UK (International Members)

Category B

(includes Thorax)

£170 £150
  • IMT3 or GP ST1 who wish to take the journal
  • Specialty Trainees
  • Specialty Trainees on OOPE, OOPR or other leave
  • Nurses and other health care professionals who wish to take the Journal
  • Lecturers and clinical fellows (not consultants or those who have completed their CCT, who would be Category A)
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioners who wish to take the journal

Categories B and C are open to non-medical consultants (e.g. nurse consultants, clinical scientists) and Physician Associates.

Specialty Trainees: upon completion of the CCT, membership transfers to Category A.

Category C

(does not include Thorax)

£60 £40
  • Core medical trainees (CMT), Internal Medicine (IM1/2) and foundation year 1 and 2 doctors, GP ST1
  • IMT3
  • Nurses and other health care professionals including members of BALR and clinical scientists who do not wish to take the journal
  • Medical students studying to become qualified doctors
  • Physician Associates
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioners who do not wish to take the journal

Please note, doctors and trainee doctors (other than CMTs, IM1/2s and F1/2s) must take the Journal and so do not qualify for Category C

Category D

(does not include Thorax)

Free Free
  • Any member who has fully retired from clinical practice and has held membership in another category for a minimum of 1 year immediately preceding the request for retired membership

Category E

(includes Thorax)

£270 £250
  • Fully retired members who were previously Category A, who wish to take the journal.