Better lung health for all

Frequently Asked Questions - BTS Committees and SAGs

Please find below useful information with regards to BTS Committees and SAGs.

For any queries, please contact

April 2023

The BTS Board is the Society’s executive body, comprised of the Society’s Trustees.  It is responsible for setting the Society’s strategy, developing policy with advice from Council and overseeing and monitoring the planning and delivery of all the Society activities.

The Council is chaired by the BTS President.  It meets twice a year, and comprises elected members drawn from the wider BTS membership.  It provides important advice to Board on a range of matters.  A call is made for 6 BTS members to join Council each year (and in addition to a seat on Council, each member is also able to join one of the Society’s main Committees).

There are five main committees: 

  • Education and Training Committee 
  • Quality Improvement Committee 
  • Science and Research Committee 
  • Standards of Care Committee 
  • Workforce and Service Development Committee 

Each Committee is responsible for a key area of BTS activity.  The Committees develop and deliver a planned set of activities in line with BTS Strategy. The Chair of each Committee is a BTS Trustee who also sits on the Board. For further information the committee constitutions can be viewed on the individual committee pages here. 

The network of Specialist Advisory Groups act as the Society’s ‘eyes and ears’.  They provide vital advice on important topics and assist by responding to national consultations, suggesting topics for conferences and short courses, and where required, providing important advice and guidance on specific topics to the Board and the main Committees. 

The overall structure of the Society’s Committees and SAGs can be found here. The Model SAG Constitution can be found here.

The main call for volunteers to join BTS Committees and SAGs is usually sent through eBTS news in June or July each year.  There is often a smaller call for volunteers in the Spring. 

Details on how to apply and submission deadline dates are given in the newsletter email and can be found on the BTS website.  All positions are open to BTS members, and some groups will call for specific eligibility criteria.   

The time commitment varies, depending on the Committee or Group.  

Council meets twice a year and members will also be required to attend a main Committee which usually meets 3 times a year (although Standards of Care Committee holds 4 meetings per year). 

Committee members are expected to ready and comment on papers for each meeting and may be invited to contribute to specific pieces of work in between meetings. 

Committee meetings are usually held as hybrid meetings, of between 2-4 hours depending on business (plus travel if attending in person). 

SAGs conduct business via email and through occasional Teams meetings, with a SAG open meeting (which is run by SAG members) held each year at the Winter Meeting. 

It is recommended that you get agreement from your place of work prior to taking up a position.

Places on Committees and SAGs are open to all BTS members, and all members of the multi-professional respiratory team. On occasion some vacancies call for specific expertise or a professional role and this will be made clear in the advert. We aim for our Committee and Groups to fully reflect our membership so encourage applicants with a variety of experience to apply. 

No, these roles are purely voluntary however we have a comprehensive expenses policy, which includes travel expenses to and from and face-to-face meetings.

Meetings for Council, Board and Committees are held online and in person. SAG meetings and other Groups will most likely be held exclusively online. SAG open meetings will be held onsite only at the Winter Meeting. 

You will need to submit an online application via the BTS website. You will need to provide a short CV and short personal statement explaining why you are applying for the role.

The main call for members to join Committees and SAGs takes place from June – August. Calls for members of other groups may take place at other times of year, with a shorter deadline. 

We appoint all members of Committees and SAGs for a 3 year term which begins at the November AGM in the year of appointment. Terms of office for other groups will be dependent on the topic of the group concerned. 

We conduct interviews for applicants to the Board (Officer roles, Committee Chairs), SAG Chairs and Chairs of other groups. Interviews will be conducted online. We will arrange interviews to accommodate work commitments as far as possible. 

We will always let all applicants know the outcome of their application as soon as we can. It is not always possible to give detailed feedback. 

Not at all. You are welcome to apply again for the same Committee/Group or a different Committee or Group in the future. 

For most Committee or SAG meetings you will be able to attend online, however there may be occasions where online attendance is not possible, for example at the Winter Meeting. 

We do ask members of Committees to come to meetings prepared, having reviewed the agenda and papers sent in advance. We aim to send papers 10-14 days before the meeting takes place to allow for this. There may be reading or other requests for assistance in between Committee meetings.   

Requests for comment and input from SAG members in relation to Winter and Summer Meeting proposals are circulated via email in October/November (January deadline) and in the summer (September deadline) respectively.  In between these tasks other requests for feedback will occur as consultations and other activities arise.  

We endeavour to provide as much notice as possible. Council, Board and Committee meeting dates for the year are planned in the Autumn of the previous year.  SAG meetings are arranged by the Chairs with as much notice as possible. 

Yes, the ground floor has level access to the meeting room and an accessible toilet. 

Yes, reasonable travel costs can be reclaimed in accordance with our expenses policy for Committee and other meetings. Any queries about reimbursement should be made to in advance of arrangements being made.  

Yes. If attending a meeting in person refreshments will always be provided and if the meeting is over lunchtime, lunch will be provided too. If we are made aware of dietary requirements we will accommodate these. 

Calls for members of other working groups (for example Guidelines, Clinical Statements and other short-term projects) will be made during the course of the year and will always be advertised in eBTS news and on the BTS website. 

When joining a committee or advisory group it will be necessary to share your email address with other members of the group.  This is so that all members can share information with each other efficiently. 

Yes, BTS can provide a letter to confirm your membership of a Committee or Group but time commitment is for personal CPD only. 

All members of BTS Committees and SAGs as well as those involved in all other BTS activities (guidelines, clinical statements, steering group etc.) are required to complete an annual Declaration of Interests (DOI) return during their period of service. This a short form and interests could include paid consultancy work, shares held, benefits and funding received. It is essential in helping the Society publicly demonstrate the highest standards of governance and probity.