Better lung health for all

BTS Medal and Awards

BTS Medal

The BTS Medal is awarded annually to a distinguished person who has greatly contributed to respiratory medicine or science. This prestigious award aims to acknowledge the recipient's leadership in and contribution to clinical and/or scientific work which has resulted in benefit to patients and the inspiration of peers. 

To submit a nomination and view previous recipients click here.


BTS President's Award

The President’s Award, introduced in 2023, is awarded annually to an individual who has national or international standing, and has made a significant impact on clinical care in their chosen field of respiratory healthcare at any point during their career.

Nominations are invited from all BTS members, and the decision on the award will be made by the Nominations Committee with the President having the final casting vote.

For further information and to submit a nomination click here.


BTS Award for Meritorious Service

The BTS Award for Meritorious Service has been awarded annually since 2008 and is intended to recognise the service of those BTS members who have:-

  • Provided an exceptional service to the Society far above that which one would normally expect for their position/role;
  • Provided an exceptional service to the Society over a far longer period than would normally be the case;
  • Provided a service to the Society in particularly difficult or delicate or trying circumstances.

Previous award winners can be found here.


NEW: BTS, A+LUK, BALR Lecture Awards

British Thoracic Society (BTS), Asthma + Lung UK (A+LUK) and the British Association for Lung Research (BALR) are delighted to announce the launch of an important new Lecture Award.

This award will recognise the achievements of established respiratory researchers who are mid-way through their career, and will celebrate an excellent track record of achievement and impact in respiratory research.

This year, two separate Lecture Awards will be presented: the BTS/A+LUK Award and the BTS/BALR Award. Winners of both awards will be invited to give a prestigious lecture as part of a dedicated plenary session at the 2024 Winter Meeting. Winners will also have the cost of their registration covered to attend all three days of the conference.

Further information and applications can be made here.


BTS Medal


BTS Award for Meritorious Service


BTS President's Award