Better lung health for all
Education and Events

Thoracic Ultrasound Online Learning and Training resources

The Society remains committed to supporting training in thoracic ultrasound.

Our aims are to:

  • Reduce variation in ultrasound training.
  • Support both learning and training in Thoracic Ultrasound as detailed in the BTS Training Standards document

To help achieve this we have:

  • Created a centralised online BTS learning resource to cover the relevant theoretical knowledge, aligned to BTS training standards.
  • Provided minimum standards and supporting resource for trainers to facilitate face to face training, again aligned to BTS training standards.

We are very grateful for the support we have received from the members of our Task and Finish Group, and those colleagues who have contributed to the online learning that is available on the theory of ultrasound.

Please refer to this document that outlines the following:

  • The rational and background for the work.
  • The learning objectives for the theory modules.
  • BTS minimum standards for practical thoracic ultrasound courses (see appendix 2 of this document).

Dr Andrew Stanton and Dr Ian Forrest explain more about this important resource in a new feature on Respiratory Futures.

The resources are aimed at all members of the multi-professional team who are working to achieve primary operator status, as outlined in the BTS training standards.

You will need to register to receive access and there is no fee for BTS members. Non-members are encouraged to register, and the fee is £30.

Trainers will also need to register to access the file with supplementary material to support course delivery.

These resources are intended as educational tools for you to use to support your own learning and there is no formal certificate of completion.


Date: 30 March 2023 to 31 December 2025 Venue: Online - Access to learning resources Booking status: Open

BTS Member: free

Non-member: £30

You will have access to the resources from the date of booking. There is no end date.

If you have previously booked, you can access the resources here.