Respiratory Clinical Research Training Day 2025
BTS is pleased to announce that it will be offering a Respiratory Clinical Research Training Day on Wednesday 14 May 2025.
This is a full day meeting in Birmingham, chaired by BTS President, Professor Nick Maskell. Distinguished faculty will explore a number of topics in small groups including:
• Routes into research
• What research area is best for you
• How to develop a stellar CV/PhD application
This event is aimed at respiratory specialty trainees who are considering research (ST4+), as well as those on the IMT programme (1-3) with an interest in becoming involved in respiratory research (please note this is not for those in academic roles, or those already registered for a PhD, however, those in the first year of an ACF/CRF position are eligible to apply).
There will be opportunity to hear from colleagues at the start of their research careers, as well as those with established international research portfolios.
The programme allows ample time for discussion and networking – outline programme available here.
Spaces are limited to 40 people maximum. This event is open to members only. A booking fee of £50 is required to secure your place, but this will be reimbursed and a bursary provided to cover travel and other costs associated with attending.
Find out more about becoming a member.
Please note that applications for attendance have closed.
Any queries please contact
This meeting is supported by BTS in association with the NIHR.