Better lung health for all
Education and Events

Lung Transplantation 2024

Over the last 30 years, lung transplantation has emerged from a novel procedure to an established therapy which is now performed on almost 5000 patients worldwide each year.  All healthcare professionals involved in the care of people with very advanced lung disease should have an understanding of the benefits and limitations of lung transplantation and how they might support patients before and after transplantation.

It will provide a comprehensive clinical overview of the subject of Lung Transplantation from a faculty of experts from the Cardiopulmonary Transplant Centres of the UK.  It is aimed at consultants, specialty trainees in respiratory medicine, specialist nurses (CF, COPD and Respiratory), ward nurses, respiratory physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals with an interest in respiratory medicine.

The programme follows the journey of a patient referred for lung transplantation taking you through the process with unique "not in the textbook" insights provided throughout in a supportive and interactive setting.

The course will be held online and offer fully interactive case-based discussions and workshops with plenty of opportunities for questions with the faculty throughout the day.

Please read the Booking conditions here. 


Date: 04 October 2024 Venue: Online CME status: Pending Booking status: Open (closes 3 October, 12noon, or when fully booked)

Member: £160 

Non-member: £320


Payment options

We accept payment by credit/debit card or invoice. If your employer is paying on your behalf, you can book online and choose the ‘Pay by invoice’ payment option.

To issue an invoice, which we only do to Finance Departments, not individuals, we will require a Purchase Order Form sent to us at least two weeks prior to the event. If this is not received, we will have to cancel your place.

If you experience any issues booking online, please contact us:

Booking Conditions