Better lung health for all

Delivery of Care

We support the delivery of high-quality respiratory care throughout the UK by engaging with the NHS England Long Term Plan and national Thoracic Societies. We highlight innovative models of care and good practice, share experiences, and provide opportunities to debate and learn.

Find links to information related to the delivery of care below.

Read resources and stories associated with the delivery of care on our Respiratory Futures website.

Getting It Right the First Time (GIRFT)

Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) is an NHS improvement programme. Dr Martin Allen is the respiratory workstream lead for the GIRFT programme. Read further information about GIRFT.

Respiratory Support Units (RSU)

The British Thoracic Society and Intensive Care Society have worked together to produce a guidance document outlining the standards of care and infrastructure for RSUs. Read more about Respiratory Support Units.  

Specialised Weaning Units (SWUs)

SWUs are designed to enable an effective step down from critical care for patients who continue to require invasive mechanical ventilation following prolonged admission. Read more about SWUs.  

Complex Home Mechanical Ventilation

We have developed guidance on the delivery of complex home mechanical ventilation (HMV) for patients with complex HMV needs and/or a protracted duration of ventilation (greater than 14 hours per day) and those receiving tracheostomy ventilation. Read more about HMV.

Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) Virtual Wards

Virtual wards are seen as one practical solution to help the NHS cope with its current shortage of beds. Alongside frailty, virtual wards dedicated to looking after people with acute respiratory infection (ARI) are being widely developed in England. Read more about Virtual Wards.

7-day services

We support the development of 7-day services for respiratory patients, provided these are appropriately resourced. 

To prevent a negative impact on the medical workforce, these new service developments must be properly planned and not imposed on existing working patterns. It is especially important that key support services and related professions are also fully involved. Read more about 7 day services.

Coding and Tariffs

Information on matters relating to coding of respiratory care can be found here.

Optimal Sleep Pathway

Sleep medicine services across the UK are experiencing significant challenges with rising referrals, a significant backlog and workforce shortages. The Optimal Sleep Pathway, published by the British Sleep Society, provides helpful guidance on how to improve sleep services, regardless of what level of development the services are currently in. Access the Optimal Sleep Pathway.

National Respiratory Plans


UK Joint Tuberculosis Committee


Model of Care for Complex Home Mechanical Ventilation


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