Better lung health for all
About us

Tobacco Dependency

Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK. Every year around 76,000 people in the UK die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses. (NHS England)

BTS supports clinicians working in NHS services to improve tobacco dependence treatment. We do this by:

  • supporting a network of respiratory clinical leads who are interested in leading their hospital tobacco dependence treatment programme.
  • providing tobacco dependency resources to healthcare professionals.
  • using our national audit platform to support the data collection and supporting QI projects
  • aligning our work to NHSE&I's Long Term Plan tobacco dependency treatment programme 

We ran a Tobacco Dependency Project with NHS England for several years, which created a range of resources, including videos and cast studies, hosted on the Respiratory Futures website. 

Access the Tobacco Dependency Project Resources.

Read about our Quality Improvement project for Tobacco Dependency Treatment.