Better lung health for all
About us

Health Inequalities

The British Thoracic Society is a founding member of the Inequalities in Health Alliance (IHA), a group of over 80 different organisations united by a common will and commitment to eradicate health inequalities in the UK.  The IHA is calling for support and action from government to:

  • develop a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities 
  • commence the socio-economic duty, section 1 of the Equality Act 2010 
  • adopt a ‘child health in all policies’ approach.

These are activities which we, as part of the IHA, believe are crucial to kick-starting the process of ridding society of engrained inequalities. To know more about the Alliance, please visit the Royal College of Physicians' web page dedicated to this project.

As well as supporting the shared aims and asks of the Alliance, BTS has produced a position statement on health inequalities, highlighting the various determinants of respiratory ill health and how we, as a specialty, can focus our efforts to begin to tackle inequalities at every stage to improve lung health.

Read the Position Statement on Health Inequalities and Respiratory 

Watch our short film on tackling health inequalities.