Better lung health for all
About us

The Standards of Care Committee has two major responsibilities:

  • Primarily, Guideline development. This involves the development and maintenance of robust systems for the prodcution of the Society's own Guidelines, from assessing the need for a Guideline to the submission for publication, in line with NHS Evidence Accreditation criteria. The scope of this work will involve Guidelines on specific diseases, specific procedures, and on processes of care, plus advice about key messages for dissemination, associated audit tool(s) and patient information. 
  • Production of Quality Standards, based on BTS Guidelines, which aim to provide clinicians, commissioners, planners and patients with a guide to the standards of care that patients with a particular disease/condition should expect, together with measurable markers of good practice. 

An emerging and important are of activity is the production of shorter Clinical Statements in clinically important areas where there may not yet be a lot of evidence. We aim to provide a series of clinical best practice points for the guidance of clinicians. 

The Committee is also tasked with identifying research questions arising from Guidelines and Quality Standards development work and refer these directly to the NIHR Respiratory Specialty Group. 

The Committee's constitution can be found below, alongside a description for the role of lay representative on the Committee.

Professor Adam Hill Chair Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Christopher Barber Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Sam Bartlett-Pestell Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Ellis Cerrone Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Robin Condliffe Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr William Flowers Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Francis Gilchrist Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Sabrine Hippolyte Declaration of Interest 2024
Mr Stephen Milward Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Helen Roberts Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Richard Russell Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Dominick Shaw Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Alice Turner Declaration of Interest 2024