Better lung health for all
About us

The BTS Quality Improvement Committee leads on two main areas of work:-

  • Support for achieving professional standards in relation to individuals; this includes revalidation (relicensing and re-certification) and governance in liaison with the activities of the Royal Colleges;
  • Support for organisational standards in four main areas:
  1. Delivery of the Society's Clinical Audit programme;
  2. Delivery of the Society's Quality Improvement activities (e.g. care bundles);
  3. Oversight of the Society's data collection activities, including registries, surveys, and other data collection activities and analysis activities;
  4. Coordinating/facilitating the Society's work in the area of respiratory coding, with input from the Society's Information Governance Committee.
Dr Mark Juniper Chair Declaration of Interest 2024
Mrs Emma Chaplin Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Nazia Chaudhuri Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Ingrid Du Rand Declaration of Interest 2024
Miss Susanne Harkness Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr George Hulston Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Onn Min Kon Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Aravind Ponnuswamy Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Affy Sepahzad Declaration of Interest 2024
Miss Louise Thomson Declaration of Interest 2024