Better lung health for all
About us

The Society's Council has a significant role. It acts as a sounding board and advisory body in respect of Society policies and provides Trustees with access to general membership opinion. 

Bi-annual meetings of Council are timed to take place in the mornings before Trustees meet, so that related operational decisions can be made quickly and effectively. 

Council comprises of 18 elected members plus the BTS Board and several ex-officio appointments (including the Chairs of the BTS Specialty Trainees Advisory Group, the BTS Nurse Specialist Advisory Group, the British Paediatric Society, Asthma + Lung UK and the British Association for Lung Research. 

Elections take place for 6 new Council members each The constitution requires that one member under the age of 35 should be elected annually. 

Council meetings are chaired by the President. Current members are: 

Professor Jonathan Bennett President Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Nick Maskell President - elect Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Charlotte Addy Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr George Chalmers Declaration of Interest 2024
Mrs Emma Chaplin Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Robin Condliffe Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Rebecca Francesca D'Cruz Declaration of Interest 2024
Mrs Aleksandra Gawlik-Lipinski Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Katharine Hurt Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Wadah Ibrahim Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Julian Peter Legg Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Keir Lewis Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Abigail Mackintosh Declaration of Interest 2024
Miss Padmavathi Parthasarathy Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Marshall Riley Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Richard Russell Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Stephen Scott Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Dominick Shaw Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Koottalai Srinivasan Declaration of Interest 2024
Professor Karl Staples Declaration of Interest 2024
Dr Matthew Steward Declaration of Interest 2024