Band 1 - Up to £2,000
Band 2 - £2,001 - £25,000
Band 3 - Over £25,001
If any of the consultancies listed above constitute a regular, ongoing relationship with the company, or if a retainer is being paid, please provide details
This includes fees or honoraria (e.g. for lectures or occasional Advisory Committees) from which you benefit personally. Benefits in kind should also be registered. Use section (1.4) for travel and attendances at Conferences.
This includes shares held personally or those shares held in pension schemes where this is known (although it is recognised that it may not be possible to identify individual company share holdings in some pension schemes).
Travel grants or expenses for yourself, whether paid directly or indirectly, but not travel grants for other members of your Department.
For example, fees and grants paid to your Department, and for which you have direct responsibility, and which are used for research, education, equipment, salaries etc. Also includes benefits in kind, and fees for your own work if you do not benefit personally.
This includes a position you may hold in another organisation (eg being a Trustee or member of relevant outside organisations, including pressure groups). It also includes any commercial or other relevant interest of your partner.
Please list only additional activities which are certain or very likely during the next 12 months.